Remember our cookie sheet chore chart? My husband and I decided that it needed something to go along with it, a chart to keep track of chores on a weekly basis. The cookie sheet chart is perfect for assigning chores, serving as a visual reminder for what needs to be done, and keeping track of which chores have/have not been completed. It lacks a long term record, though, for what has been done throughout the week. We are going to be instituting an allowance for our children, something that they can earn for completing all of their daily chores for an entire week. So I created a new chart that will record when all of the chores from the cookie sheet chart are finished each day, allowing us to know if all chores have been done every day of the week.
I snagged this sign from my son's school rummage sale last spring. I just covered it with paper and Mod Podge, then used a set of hooks and clips that I had lying around from Ikea. The two little bees and beehive are stamps from Stampin' Up.
July 31, 2010
Allowance Chart
July 30, 2010
Georgia Peach Goodness
Each summer, a magnificent company called Tree-Ripe Citrus brings truckloads of sweet Georgia peaches straight to Wisconsin. They sell these gorgeous peaches right out the back of their truck in twenty-five pound boxes. Thank you, Tree-Ripe Citrus, for the Peach Cobbler we ate tonight, for the Peach Pound Cake, Peach Ice Cream and Peach Freezer Jam that I'll be making tomorrow. I do love me some good peaches.
Do you have a favorite peach recipe? If so, please share! If I get enough responses, I'll put together an entire post dedicated to the most scrumptious peach recipes. Thank you!
July 28, 2010
PB Cord Cover Knock-Off Tutorial
While drooling over browsing the Pottery Barn catalog, I came across this:
It's a burlap cover for the hanging cord on a chandelier. Immediately I thought of the chandelier that we have hanging in our dining room, and of course imagined it in red. Then I went to work. Here's my version:
It was actually fairly simple to make, once I figured out how I wanted to make it. I wasn't sure if I should actually gather the fabric, or just make it long enough that it would scrunch itself on the cord. I finally decided on gathering, which I think was the right choice. Enough talking--Here's the tutorial.
Fabric--I used 100% cotton. You'll need (Length x1.75) + (Circumference of the cord +1").
Fusible Interfacing
Thread (Match your fabric)
Sewing Machine
Step 1
Cut your fabric to the dimensions described above. The x1.75 is for gathering and seam allowance (.5"), and the +1" is for the .5" seam allowance. I am NOT a sewer, so please don't judge me too harshly on my technique/vocabulary here. Please.
Step 2
Cut your fusible interfacing to 1" less than the length and 1" less than the width of your fabric. (One inch off of one side and one inch off of the top.)
Step 3
According to the directions on the package, iron the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of your fabric. The interfacing gives some strength to the fabric, which helps it stand up, instead of slinking down the cord.
Step 4
Hem the top and bottom, i.e. the width, of the fabric. I didn't do anything fancy for my hem. I simply folded it down to the fusible interfacing (.5"), pinned it, then sewed.
Step 5
Pin the hem (same method as Step 4) on both of the remaining sides (lengths). Then fold your fabric in half lengthwise. You'll end up with a long rectangle. (My fabric was a little bit see-through, which is why I used two layers.) Now you're going to re-pin the hems together. So, keeping the hems folded in, pin the fabric together.
Step 6
Using a basting stitch, sew the two sides together (along the hem line). Gather the fabric until it is the actual length of your chandelier cord. Sew over the basting stitches using a short stitch length. Backstitch at the beginning and end. (This will hold your gathers.)
Step 7
Use a basting stitch to sew .5" in from the folded edge, the entire length of the fabric. (Sew a parallel line to the one in Step 6, but on the folded edge, instead of the open edge). Gather the fabric until it is also the actual length of the cord. Sew over the basting stitches using a short stitch length. Backstitch at the beginning and end.
Step 8
Sew on your snaps, being careful that they match up on each side. Place your snaps so that only one seam shows--One snap goes directly under the gathers (on the wrong side of the fabric), while the other snap goes on the right side of the fabric, next to the gathers. Sorry, I don't have a picture of this. I'll get one up as soon as I can.
Now you can climb up on a chair and snap that sucker on! Enjoy!
July 23, 2010
Today's Creative Blog
Check this out! Martha Shmartha was featured on Today's Creative Blog. Kim features crafty bloggers regularly, but never did I imagine myself among their ranks! Wow! Thank you, Kim!

July 20, 2010
Ribbon and Brad Flower Headband Tutorial
I only had time to get the headband done tonight, but I'll try to get the bracelet finished soon. Here you go!
6" Ribbon
1 Large Brad
1 Headband
Needle and Thread (matched to the color of the ribbon)
Glue Gun
Cut a piece of ribbon to 6"
6" Ribbon
1 Large Brad
1 Headband
Needle and Thread (matched to the color of the ribbon)
Glue Gun
Cut a piece of ribbon to 6"
Fold over one end of ribbon and insert the needle through both layers. (This creates a clean end.)
Use a running stitch to sew along one side of the ribbon from one end to the other.
When you reach the other end of the ribbon, fold it over just like you did on the first end. Place your last stitch through both layers of ribbon.
Gather the ribbon by pulling on one end of thread, while holding the other.
Once your ribbon is gathered into a circle, tie off your thread with a knot.
Place your brad through the center of your ribbon circle.
Open the brad across the back of the ribbon circle.
Adhere the ribbon and brad to a headband using a glue gun. I glued the brad to the headband because I didn't want it to poke my daughter in the head or catch her hair.
July 18, 2010
Summer Madness!
Is summer as busy for you as it is for me? Choir camp, tennis lessons, ballet, swimming lessons, playtime at the pool, weddings... It's been ridiculous! I think that in the next couple of weeks things are going to start to slow down. That will mean more time for crafting! I have a lot of projects in the works, but I haven't had any time to craft in way too long. I haven't forgotten the tutorial for the bracelet and headbands with ribbon flowers; It's coming! I also have a really amazing giveaway coming up, as well. So thank you for your patience and I hope that you're enjoying your summer as much as I am!
July 11, 2010
Wedding Gift
I went to a beautiful wedding yesterday for a friend whom I've known since fifth grade. The wedding was gorgeous, original, sweet and fun. I wanted to create a gift that would capture the feeling that they had yesterday, and remind them of it each time they glanced at my gift. This is what I came up with:
July 4, 2010
Fourth of July Table Runner ($4)
I picked up the supplies for this table runner during my recent trip to the Dollar Tree. I used three place mats and one dish towel. I cut the dish towel into strips that I then used to connect the place mats. This is an incredibly simple project (and only costs $4!)!
We used this table runner at our BBQ tonight, as well. It held up great and added some festive, Patriotic cheer to our table. Not bad for four dollars!
Independence Day,
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