June 28, 2010

Ribbon and Brad Flowers

I was inspired at my card class last Thursday night to make a few new pieces.  We made a card using these fancy ribbon flowers you'll see below--Some of us thought they would make gorgeous hair accessories.  I created a couple of headbands and one bracelet.  Let me know if you'd like to see a tutorial--They take less than 5 minutes to make, so I definitely plan to make more!


  1. I would really like a tutorial, especially on the bracelet! Thanks! Those are so cute, and I am sure easy, if you could just show us ;)

  2. those are gorgeous...and you KNOW i need major help with my ribbon and hair accessories! ;) so yeah, i'd like a tutorial.

  3. Adorable! Too bad I don't have a girl!


I can't wait to hear what you think!