May 9, 2010

Inspiration Board Winner!

Thanks to all who entered the giveaway.  I was completely flattered that so many of you actually wanted this board--There were thirty entries!  Woohoo!

I used to choose the winner.  It chose:
Edwards Family said...
So much fun, I can't even stand it! You are become a celeb blogger! So stinkin' cool...I can't believe I wasn't an actual follower yet! But you can bet it's on my blog now (c:
I happen to know Aubrey (I promise that it didn't influence her winning, though.  Otherwise I would have chosen my mom, as it's Mother's Day, and she entered!), and she is a pretty amazing lady.  Aubrey has the best sense of humor and she makes any situation fun.  She's also a mom of two adorable kids, so Happy Mother's Day!  I hope this makes your day!  
Just send me your address, Aubrey, and I'll have this in the mail sometime in the next couple of days.  Congratulations!
Thanks again to all who entered.  I truly love knowing that you all appreciate my creativity.  It's so neat to know that there are people out there who care about what I'm doing.  Thanks for supporting me at Martha Shmartha!


  1. Congrats to Aubrey! Your giveaway, Emily, was so sweet.

  2. It was and yes, it totally made my day! It will be like Christmas when I get it in the mail! (c: I hope your mom still had a great mother's day, too! (c:


I can't wait to hear what you think!