April 30, 2010

Inspiration Board GIVEAWAY!

It's finally here!  I cannot believe how long this project has taken me to finish.  There was nothing difficult in its making, but I couldn't seem to get the details just perfect.  Lucky for you, though, I did, because now I'm going to give it away!

It's an inspiration board!  You can use the (nicely coordinated) clothespins for magazine clippings, pieces of fabric or paper, pictures, notes, or anything else that might inspire you!  I want to give it to one of you, for your support inspires me greatly, and I want to help to inspire you.

There are five ways to enter.  Please leave me a separate comment for each of your entries.  

1st Entry: Leave me a comment telling me one thing that inspires you.
2nd Entry: Become of follower of this blog.
3rd Entry: Share the link to this giveaway on your blog.
4th Entry: Share the link to this giveaway on Facebook.
5th Entry: Share the link to this giveaway on Twitter.

This giveaway will end in one week, on Saturday May 8.  I will randomly choose one winner the following day.  Giveaway open to anyone living in the United States.

I'm linking up to:
Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. I am inspired by my amazing daughters!

  2. You are an inspiration! Your creativity is amazing..

  3. I follow your blog and love it! We have been making lots of Star Wars freezer paper stencilled shirts around here.

  4. My inspiration comes from craft blogs and walking through Hobby Lobby, Goodwill, or yard sales.

  5. I am inspired by awesome crafters like you!

  6. New surroundings inspire me. Getting away from the day-to-day, which no matter how pleasant doesn't give me any inspiration to create, can do wonders!

  7. I don't know how to link up or do those other things (plus someone else deserves this!), but I had to tell you that YOU inspire me. All you do, all you create, and the beauty you can find in everyday objects (and people :) Thank you for sharing!!

  8. I am a follower of Martha Shmartha :)

  9. My inspiration comes daily from my daughter Eve. Watching her smile when she sees her family, sporadically laugh, roll over for the first time, and constantly learn new things amazes me and makes me feel so lucky to be her mom!

  10. So much fun, I can't even stand it! You are become a celeb blogger! So stinkin' cool...I can't believe I wasn't an actual follower yet! But you can bet it's on my blog now (c:

  11. I am inspired by my multi-talented family!

  12. My Facebook friends will now see your blogsite. PS (I don't tweet and I don't have a blog - 3 out of 5 isn't bad!)

  13. This is gorgeous. I'm so glad you are giving it away. (Hmmm. I wonder what further tweaking you were hoping for...)
    I am inspired by the many fabulous crafty blogs I read. However, because I need to do more and see less, I am taking a sort of bloggy break so I can make make make!
    I also love the books _Journal Spilling_ and _What It Is_ for helping me create without worry of whether the final product will be pretty or good enough.

  14. I blogged about your giveaway: http://skemommlenskedaddle.blogspot.com/2010/05/dropping-by.html

  15. That's so cute! I love it! I just found your blog from http://skemommlenskedaddle.blogspot.com/2010/05/dropping-by.html!

  16. I am a follower...doesn't that sound bad??? I guess it's good that it's for something inspirational!

  17. My inspiration: my amazing family and friends!

  18. You have been linked on facebook!

  19. I love checking out all your new projects! I put a link to the giveaway on my blog!

  20. A long bike ride on quiet farm roads on a friday evening inspires me!


I can't wait to hear what you think!