April 19, 2010

From Dishtowel to Decor

My husband and I loaded our kids in the car on Saturday, after our son's early morning soccer game, for our annual trip to IKEA.  Sometimes I wish we lived closer to an IKEA, but then after I go, I think it's a really good thing we don't, because otherwise we might be broke.  Anyways, I picked up some great project supplies on Saturday, one being a small wood-framed mirror.  I had imagined Mod Podging some gorgeous paper on to it, but tonight, I was inspired to go elsewhere.

Also from IKEA, I snagged some adorable dish towels, cupcake themed.  I'm a sucker for cupcakes as is, but add a cute polka dot tag, and I'm done for!

Knowing that there were three dish towels total, I felt free to hack one of them to pieces.  So I did, and now I have the cutest little mirror hanging in my kitchen.  I'm thinking of checking IKEA's website to see if I can order more of these towels--I'm in love!


  1. That is so cute.... I had not thought about doing a dishtowel... great idea.

  2. That is so cute! I would never have thought to use a dish towel. Love it!!

  3. Super cute!! I am headed to IKEA for the 1st time in a few weeks. Now I'm going to be looking for those cupcake dishtowels. :)


I can't wait to hear what you think!