April 2, 2010

Deep in the Heart

I'm in craft withdrawal!  We're on a (much needed) vacation, visiting my family in TX.  Luckily our trip coincided with the biannual Round Top Craft/Antique Fair.  This thing is huge.  HUGE!  I spent the morning there today and was in total heaven.  I scored a couple of sweet items and a ton of incredible ideas for new projects.  I also took a gazillion pictures.  Here's a preview to tide you over until I'm home and back to work...

It's a very good thing that we live so far away.  Otherwise, we would now be very broke and our home would be overflowing with old furniture and project supplies!


  1. Beautiful. We'll have to head up there in the fall.

  2. I'm about an hour and a half from Round Top but have never been to the antique extravaganza...I'll need to put that on my bucket list. :)


I can't wait to hear what you think!