April 23, 2010

Cherry Blossom Mirror

This was my first attempt at etching a mirror.  While the process is the same as glass etching, I felt like there was more to consider when etching my mirror.  I wanted to preserve the function of the mirror, so I tried to etch on the side.  I worried about the placement of the etching because mirrors are for looking at, whereas things like cookie jars look nice etched, but their appearance is not their sole function.  Maybe the more-complicated-feeling came from the sheer size of the mirror that I was etching.  I've never etched anything even half as big as this mirror.  Eventually I decided to do something simple, cherry blossoms.  The image that I used was from Martha's site and the mirror is from IKEA.  I'm probably going to give the mirror as a gift, so the photos are of the mirror on our table, as I didn't want to hang it on the wall.  Please let me know what you think--I'm not sure about this one!

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  1. Nice! That is really pretty. I've thought about trying to do the glass etching but didn't know what to start with... I never thought about a mirror! We have a baby girl on the way and that could be such a cute thing in her room!

  2. I LOVE it, Emily. But maybe because I absolutely love mirrors, and cherry blossoms are some of my fave flowers. I think it's simple and chic. You continue to amaze me.

  3. i'm going to do this! love cherry blossoms. my sister moved to DC and we went to the cherry blossom festival this year. beautiful. i even have a cute mirror like you used from Home Goods that i will use. i've done glass etching before--made those numbered wine glasses in the Ballard Designs catalog--so i'm thinking this will turn out cute. thanks so much!!!!

  4. yikes that is stunning! i love it - i'm jealous of the lucky recipient :D

  5. What do I think? It's so cool! I think it's just enough...and so clean. Plus, I've never braved etching at all...and I want to so badly. The functionality is COMPLETELY intact. But I'm thinking....if I etch an image of a super model RIGHT in the center....will that work for me? Hmmmm.....I think that's something to seriously consider!

  6. That is very cool! I love cherry blossoms, they are so beautiful. How did you do it??



I can't wait to hear what you think!