March 1, 2010

Chicks Dig Me

I'm in love with freezer paper stenciling (FPS).  My son wore his shirt to school today for the first time.  I got an email from his teacher this afternoon saying how much she loved the shirt.  When I responded that I had made it, she was blown away.  That's why FPS is so nifty--The shirts look professionally done!  I found the template for this shirt at Just Another Day in Paradise.  She has a great tutorial there, so I won't post a how-to here.  Just remember to keep the letters, the little rectangle between the chick's legs, and the outside box after you do your cutting!


  1. Looks good! I subscribed, and added you under my craft blogs in google reader. Hehe.

  2. I'm totally impressed by ALL of THIS. Geez, what do you do when you're feeling fine?!? :) The bunting is very, very cute. No wonder it's getting posted on One Pretty Thing. Can I be like you? Maybe some of your creativity will rub off on me and my house will look a lot cuter. You amaze me, my friend.

  3. The cute factor is waaaaay high. Loving your blog!


I can't wait to hear what you think!